[37]; Breaking Bad, Misfits, The Walking Dead, Doctor Who, TVD, Harry Potter, Misc. Movies +
Nov 25, 2012 06:04
23 | Breaking Bad 1 | Dexter 2 | Doctor Who 1 | Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2 | Fight Club 2 | Harry Potter 1 | House of Flying Daggers 1 | Lord of the Rings 2 | Merlin 3 | Misfits 1 | Supernatural 1 | Teen Wolf 1 | the Walking Dead 1 | the Big Lebowski 11 | the Vampire Diaries
misc: misfits, the vampire diaries, doctor who, supernatural, merlin, teen wolf, dexter, harry potter and an icon I made when an anon dared me to make one with the crackiest ship I could think of at anon_icon:
1. Credit rebel and/or criminal if you use, please. 2. Please watch for more! :) 3. Comments are awesome! 4. My resource list is here.