Chance Meetings, CSI: Miami/CSI: NY, for nasn

Oct 02, 2007 18:05

Title: Chance Meetings (CSI: Miami/CSI: NY)
Author: lucifers_toy
Rating: G
Summary: Speed and Mac run into each other in a sex store. This is more pre-slash than actual slash, sorry.

“Yeah, H, I’m okay. The last case just-yeah. Yeah. Okay. No, Eric was great. Tell Alexx I’ll call her tonight. H. Don’t do anything stupid. Make sure I have a MDPD to come home to.” The voice was unfamiliar but the words weren’t, and Detective Mac Taylor sauntered closer to investigate.

He moved along the aisle, automatically cataloguing the different, uh, products. Dildos, vibrators, nipple clamps, handcuffs that rival his own…it’s a familiar scene but he wonders who the voice on the phone is and why he knows Horatio Caine.

“Yes, Horatio.” The voice, now only a few feet away, sounds amused and affectionate. “Okay. Bye.” There’s the unmistakeable sound of a cell phone being snapped shut and Mac makes his move, the unsatiable curiousity that comes with being a CSI ensuring that he finds out just who the other person is.

He rounds the corner, one hand automatically going to his service weapon before he removes it, dropping his hand by his side. There’s no need for violence here, not in his secret hideaway, and he’s fairly certain that the other man is harmless.

And then he sees him, a tanned man with scruffy hair and a layer of stubble. He recognises him, remembers that face from a worn photo from Horatio Caine’s wallet.

“Tim Speedle?”

The man -Speed- jerks, turning around. “Yes?” He says suspiciously, hand flying to his hip, trying to find a gun that isn’t there. “How do you know my name?”

Mac raises his hands in the universal sign of harmlessness. “I’m Detective Mac Taylor, NYPD. I worked with Horatio Caine on a case a while back. He talked about you.” Slowly, so as not to alarm Speed, he lowered one hand to his belt, flashing his badge and ID.

Speed relaxed, tension easing from his shoulders though his eyes remained wary. “I’m Speed, though you already know that.” He said wryly, still cautious. He tilted his head back curiously. “So, Detective,” He drawled lazily. “What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same question,” Mac answered, raising an eyebrow challengingly, smirking as Speed flushed, a light splash of colour lighting up his cheeks.

“I had time off,” The younger man said defensively, crossing his arms across his chest, drawing his shirt tighter around his body. “Thought I’d come to New York, see the sights.”

Mac nodded appreciatively. “New York certainly has great views.” He said, running his eyes up over Speed’s body and flicking easily to scan through the shop. “Did you find what you were looking for?”

The embarrassed flush remained on Speed’s cheeks and he glared, annoyed at his reaction. He raised the packet in his hands, running his own eyes along the clean lines of Mac’s shoulders, over his chest and up to his face. “Yeah, I guess I did,” He drawled, lazy and confident again.

Mac tilted his head to the side questioningly and smiled when Speed relaxed, the two men falling into pace with each other seamlessly.

“So,” Speed started, shooting a curious look at the silent man by his side. He absent-mindedly trailed his hand along the shelf beside him, fingertips collecting dust. “How did you know who I am?”

A tiny smile curved Mac’s lips and he looked at Speed in amusement. “It took you longer than I’d thought for you to ask that,” He commented. “You’re a trusting man, Speedle.”

“Not really. But I know a good cop when I see one. Besides, H talked about you a bit.”

Mac turned slightly to face Speed, the pair pausing in the aisle. “He told me about you, and your team. Horatio carried a photo in his wallet, with you and Detectives Duquesne and Delko and Doctor…Woods, I believe?”

Speed smiled fondly. “Yeah, Alexx Woods.”

A fine eyebrow arched and Mac nodded behind Speed, where his hand rested on a shelf. “Interested?” He asked, smirking when Speed blinked at him.

Speed turned, following Mac’s pointed gaze, and flushed again, snatching his hand away from the shelf of frilled, transparent panties. He glared wordlessly, frustration radiating from him, then smirked wickedly, looking to Mac’s left. “Not my style, but I’m thinking those might be yours,” He said, dark eyes lit in glee, and Mac found himself smiling back at the younger man.

The ex-marine cast a quick glance behind, smiling in amusement as his gaze lit briefly upon a fine selection of multi-coloured, multi-sized dildos. “My collection is fine, at the moment,” He said dryly. He placed a large hand on the small of Speed’s back, gently steering the other man to the register.

Speed leant back into Mac’s touch, offering the older man a small smile even as he hid his package slightly behind his back, ensuring that the native Detective couldn’t see. They talked back and forth, teasing, and if their hips bumped occasionally, if their hands brushed against each other’s, if they stared just a little too long, well, neither of them minded.

They reached the counter of ”Eden”, still talking, and Speed pushed his packet over the black plastic surface quickly, using his body to shield it from sight.

Mac thwarted his plans by leaning over his shoulder and he smiled when he saw the packet of anal beads, slick and thick and shiny. He beat Speed to his wallet, smoothly sliding a few notes across the counter to the bored woman working the register, and smiled when Speed glared at him in frustration.

“I could have paid myself,” Speed informed him, scowling ferociously.

Mac looked back at him steadily. “My treat, Detective Speedle.” He took the bag from the store employee and passed it to Speed, smirking when the younger man snatched it from him childishly. “After all, I did intrude on your…private shopping.” Placing his hand on Speed’s back again, he led him out, stepping into the brisk air outside.

Speed inhaled deeply. “Pollution,” He said, grimacing.

Mac nodded gravely. “I wouldn’t want New York air to offend your delicate senses,” He mocked gently. “My apartment is quite close, if you’d like a drink.”

Speed stared at him for a long moment, eyes serious, then he nodded. “I think I’d like that,” He said, and smiled.

csi new york, csi miami

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