You owe this post to the community
girls_only. :) This are the pictures of me with african braids and the video of them being made.
Скажите спасибо
girls_only за мои фотографии. :) Под катом я в африканских косичках и видео, как их плели.
Click to view
The whole process took 40 minutes of time and $5 of money. It was done in Colombia, on a beach of the Caribbean coast.
Сам процесс занял 40 минут времени и $5 денег. В Колумбии, на Карибском побережье, на пляже.
But I'm not African. :( So in a week it didn't look as pretty as this:
Но я не африканка. :( Поэтому через неделю оно выглядело не так:
but rather as fluffy as that:
а скорее так: