Feb 12, 2010 21:52
I have thought a lot lately about being a "Fan" of a television show and what it means to me. I am using House as an example because I have been a fan of this show for the past almost 6 seasons. I actually started watching it on day one and never stopped watching. I was enamored with it immediately. I loved House, I loved Cuddy. The "Ducklings" were darling, but I would be lying if I didn't say that I was immediately drawn to the House and Cuddy. During the pilot, the back and forth on the lyrics of "You Can't Always Get What You Want" hooked me right away. Wilson, dearest Wilson as the trusty sidekick to one truly messed up yet entrancing man, how could I NOT love this show. Through episode after episode I grew to love all of the characters, even the ones I wasn't overly fond of. Early on I found it easy to love Cameron and difficult to love Foreman. At this point I have an easier time with Foreman than Cameron at times. I really liked Thirteen at first because I didn't like Amber. Needless to say this show has a funny way of turning your views on their ears. I cried like a baby when Amber died. Last season I started to grow weary of Thirteen and her trials and constant screen time only to decide that I have grown to like her more this season than ever.
Through all of this, I have stayed faithful and watched even when I wasn't overly excited about a turn of events. Again with my honesty, I never saw "Hameron" as a possibility. I saw it as a schoolgirl/teacher crush and really nothing a whole lot more than that. Some may argue that it is my age talking, I just had a belief that while he clearly cared for Cam, I always felt the Chameron way more. In fact, the fall of their marriage is a bummer to me. I hated watching my beloved Wilson lose his girlfriend, even if I had previously wished her dead (secretly). Last year may well have been my lowest point, specifically watching as House kissed Cuddy then proceeded to shun her attempts at another one. Even more so, the dreaded season finale where the hallucination was revealed and I honestly felt like my heart was ripped out and thrown to a group of homicidal clowns. Ok, maybe it wasn't that bad, but I couldn't even watch a rerun for a good month or so.
Sure there have been times when I wanted to see things turn out differently than they did. One example was in "The Itch" when House goes to Cuddy's window and almost...ALMOST knocks on her door but leaves instead. OH how I wanted to pull my hair out right then. I didn't, I stuck with it and came back again for more. My sister once told me that House is not an easy show to watch. It challenges you, brings you down in the dumps a little and then lifts you back up. Most of the time after I watch an episode I have the feeling of just being satisfied like I have just eaten a great meal and only consumed just enough to leave me happy, yet aware that I will be hungry for a lot more soon.
The bottomine is that if I ever thought that the powers that be took the story in a direction that I was completely against, I would NOT continually go on fan sites and bash actors, producers, directors and other fans. I would just simply stop watching and support a show that I did enjoy. The senseless junior high school antics of people that call themselves "fans" really do nothing to alter the real fans opinions of the show. All it does is cause them to become more resolved to support their favorite show and those that bring it to their television weekly.
Watch, enjoy and go along for the ride or jump off and go play in someone elses playground. Those of us that are "House" fans are happy on this rollercoaster, we have faith in those at the helm and want to enjoy ourselves. If you are a fan, be a fan, if you are aren't a fan stop wasting space and move on.