Buenos Dias

Mar 09, 2009 09:13

So, as I was online today, I thought hey, I will update my live journal.

What is new with me you may ask?? Not a whole lot, except for the fact that I am so ready to be done with school I could go nuts. It's not that I don't like learning; quite the contrary. However, I do absolutely LOATHE all the tests, quizzes, homework and papers that evidently surround the life of academia. Ugh, I just have to keep telling myself that this soon shall pass..

On a lighter note, spring is almost here and that makes me fairly happy.

I am currently single...still..per usual. However, that is fine. It is awfully amusing however, to notice the complete spectrum of couples that strut around campus. Hmmm...does anyone ever remember those MAD TV skits..."Lower expectations.." Ha!

Spring break has come and gone too quickly. I went home and saw my mother and g-ma. That was nice and other than that, I didn't too much..especially in regards to my studies. I just hope this accounting degree pays off. Who knew it would be so hard? Scheisse.

Well then, I suppose that is all for right now. I am about to go to school, again. So, I love you all lon' time and hope you are all doing fabulously.

till dess,

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