I'm gellin like a felon eatin watermelon

Dec 28, 2007 13:35

I hope everyone had a good Christmas.

Miriam got me tickets to Matchbox 20. I love my girlfriend.

I forgot what I was originally going to post. I think I had a good vent all worked up, but I can't remember what it was. Prolly isn't important.

New Posted comic goodness. As of yesterday, actually, but it's there. How many surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb? Go find out. Bonus points if you can spot joke #2 in the strip. I'm going to be doing a lot of joke-inspired strips, I think. I enjoy doing surrealistic strips that make sense to nobody but myself. Plus, it's fun drawing things I wouldn't normally draw.

I doodled up a couple things for CafePress. It's free, so what the hell, right? If people buy the crap that's on there, they might buy my crap, too.

Speaking of buying my crap, there's no word from Gamewright, and I've pretty much lost patience. I'm going to send one more email and a physical letter, then develop the game for self-publication.

In getting ready for the GAMA trade show, I realized that dates and prices are a little out of my reach. The current idea is to just attend the show, and then exhibit next year. Or maybe exhibit at Origins if my good buddy Tad wants to get a booth for his shop.. maybe we can go halvsies, eh Tad? In a couple weeks I'll be joining GAMA, but I'm not sure if there's an intro non-voting membership or not. I don't really want to shell out $300 for full voting rights that I don't need this year. Next year, yeah, but I'll have too many things going on for me to worry about what's going on with an association I know nothing about.

GAMA is the Game Manufacturer's Association, BTW.

The game company feels like it's about ready to explode. Once I join GAMA it's full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes. I'll have all the resources I need to flesh out the business plan, start making contacts, and get the games produced. The trade show is in April, and I'd like to have some stuff ready to show by then in case I run into people who would actually like to take a look after-hours, or want me to drop by their booth or something. You can still do a lot of networking without actually exhibiting, you just can't sell to distributors during the show if you're not exhibiting. Key words being during the show.

I'm excited and terrified all at once.

Oh yeah, I have a logo, too. Woodbine Street Games is almost official now.
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