Last Day.

Jun 17, 2005 16:04

Well, today was our last day. It was really sad. All my 8th grade friends are leaving me, and so is Jessica Asaro. I signed a million year books, gave and received a million hugs. It's amazing how many people wanted hugs and signatures from me. I didn't think that many people knew me. I guess I was wrong. Everyone was crying today; I'm not entirely sure why. There's such thing as an e-mail address, or a phone number, right? Maybe it just doesn't seem like a cry-worthy experience because I wasn't one of the people crying. I don't know. Talked to Carrie all through English. I'm going to miss her a lot. Not that I won't miss everyone, but me and her have become pretty good friends, something I never thought would happen because of our so different "labels". Miranda's moving as well. I'm going to miss her. Lately Ashley M's been a total bitch to everyone except me and Rachel practically. Especially to Ryan. It's very sad, actually. She gets so sad when people are mean to her, but she has no problem being a total fuck face to everyone else. It's no use complaining though; I just won't be her friend next year. =] Well, that about wraps it up. I'm gunna miss all you guys. Leave comments. Lots and lots of comments. =]

It's been a great year.
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