Not too long ago I decided to hike some of the Rachel Carson trail that runs through my area. I also wanted to try out the disposable digital camera that I re-soldered to I could download and save the pictures myself and skip the middle man. So here my story...
With the recent rain fall and melting snow caused the creek behind the Tuscan Inn to be swollen. After a half hour of searching for a passable section of creek I found the shallowest section was 2 feet deep. Stupid liquid water!
The only logical way to pass this creek was to... yep you guest it, make a Tributary Goddess statue and ask for safe passage. I added every detail from her silky watery hair right down to her hourglass figure.
This babe is bangin’!!! Just by the
wink of her eye, you are in danger of being hypnotized and forced to be one of her wilderness slaves. It is still unknown to the level of power and wisdom the Lady of the Tributary possesses. Just looking down the creek I found evidence of her immense power. With
her power of Alchemy I found many car tires along the both sides of the creek. All my life I thought old car tires were abandoned but I know now I thought wrong. Few people have witness the natural process of tire making in the wild. The original radial tire was formed from stone so man could rep the benefits.
Blaa blaa blaa, after a while I lost interest in the silly Tributary Tart then remembered I still had pictures to take. The stream was a sorry site with garbage everywhere. Eventually I walked back to my car for some shopping bags so I could pick up some of the trash. In just 15 minutes I had filled all three bags and barely made a dent in the level of litter. So I decided to call it a day started my way back to the car when a bright bottle cap among the rocks caught my eye. I can only assume the water god was showing gratitude for my cleaning of her creek and awarded me a
FREE LITER OF COKE!!! So it was true all these years, the Tributary Goddess does have mystical power. She even has the power of producing Coke-a-Cola.