Jun 22, 2008 22:14
it's official.
I shot a gun. 12 gage shot gun to be eact.
it's summer time, although the warmth part that usually co-exsists with summer is infrequent.
I saw a solid 21 hours of day light.
work has finally shown it's lucrative side for several days in a row.
i did a backflip off of a couch that sat next to a bonfire down by the river.
i drank a shit-ton of hennesy with john.
started rolling my own cigarettes (ugh)-------
the "daily special rice bowl" at the bistro made me laugh several times while trying to explain it to customers.
it changed from:
Honey Teriaki Pork
Chinese BBQ Pork
Vietnamese Chilli Pork.
for real? I'm not sure what they're trying to pull with this dish....
an attempt at cross cultural experimentation? Get rid of the fucking pork ASAP?
I got a massage yesterday from Ceil.
I kept seeing a giraffe..... eating from a lush green tree in the desert......
haven't been able to decode that one yet....
but I do know the giraffe and the tree didn't belong in this particular desert....
The snoring roomate continues. Even now... as I sit here in my bed with nothing but the light of my laptop.
I got a free couch from a post on the bulliten board at the post office. ..... paid for delivery only. $10bux.
sooo now a somewhat damaged couch sits in my kitchen/living space. It's been a great addition... as it makes things feel a wee cozier.
Thinking about trucking it to Anchorage on tuesday/wednesday..... might be cool to check out the museum there.
my belly is empty ...... SOOO empty.