Blood in the Water

Aug 01, 2014 08:33

So the first thing I did when I woke up this morning is watch the season 4 premiere of The Killing on Netflix.

Are you shocked?

(You shouldn't be.)

My dilemma now is how to pace this. I will probably take longer than most for a couple of reasons. Number one I normally watch with my mom, which means I'll probably be re-watching the premiere sometime today with her. And second of all she's not a marathon kind of lady. I think she could watch maybe two episodes in the same day, if that. If they were traditional length, maybe three. But these are an hour long and wow, a solid hour of The Killing is like watching regular TV in dog-years. Very emotionally draining, for me personally. And now I need to cut because there's gonna be some spoilers and a little bit of whodunnit speculation. (I'll warn for that at the end if you want to skip it.)

I'm such a fan of this show and these characters that it kills me to say that this episode was hard for me to watch and I'm going to have some serious secondhand embarrassment re-watching with my mom later. Linden was at her most gracious ever. Both with Holder and unsuspecting pharmacists everywhere. The awkwardness was just off the charts. Speaking of, I'm really glad we got to experience another youth calling Holder out on his "slim shady" ness and his incredibly mature response. That never gets old. The one saving grace was our partners on Linden's sunny porch. I am disappointed in Holder's personal storyline not only because of my shipping preferences but also because baby storylines simply infuriate me, especially when they're followed up by hastily-thought-out proposals that ruin aforementioned ship preferences. Not a fan of that.

The actor who plays Kyle is wonderful so far and I'm so so glad he's the focus of this investigation. Really loved everything with him. Exponentially.

Now, taking some space for my SPECULATION below:


It's gotta be Joan Allen right? She's in love with Kyle and wants to dance with him off into the sunset. (Or maybe just be his adopted mom?) She finds out his family doesn't appreciate him, except for maybe little sister and decides to take matters into her own hands. Or maybe she goes over to have a chat and simply loses it? I don't know, maybe I'm tainted by Skinner, but I'm automatically pointing fingers at the authority figure in the situation.

Originally posted here: You can comment anywhere you like!

tv: the killing

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