Orphan Black - Season 2 Finale

Jun 23, 2014 11:54

PSA: Forgot to use DW to crosspost, so I am doing that now. Sorry if you tried to comment on the first post.

I finished up season 2 of Orphan Black and have decided that despite my love of Felix and Allison (and beautiful Cal of course), I probably will only tune into season 3 if I don't have anything better to do.

The dance party at the end was sweet but is one of the only scenes where you can clearly see the "seams" in the illusion of Tatiana playing all these characters, so that kind of ruined it. And honestly it made me depressed thinking about Tatiana having to film each character's solo dance moves. ;)

(Except for Sarah and Felix bumping backs. That was cute.)

I loved the reveal of the male clone and who it was, not only because I have been dying for a new "model" since the end of season 1, but also because I feel like he's going to be kind of freaking awesome at it. But I don't know if that'll be enough to bring me back for season 3. I guess we'll see (if it's renewed?) when the promos come out.

I'm just kind of annoyed at the whole, boyfriend guy, no.. tail guy, no... this creepy professor guy, no... Siobhan, no... Rachel, no... Michelle Forbes, no... MAYBE the government is responsible for DYAD/LEDA etc. I'm just sick of it. MOVE ON. There is so much they could do here without making this into a maze of "who's the really REAL bad guy?" and "what's the really REAL conspiracy?" It's not the reason I tune into the show and it's overtaking it so I'm kind of annoyed.

Love the girl, but I kind of want MORE of the characters not played by Tatiana. Donnie got a lot of stuff to do this season which was lovely, and Vic (who I really like despite his idiocy), Felix, Art (ESPECIALLY ART!), Paul (kind of got lost in the fodder), Siobhan, and many others.

Overall, the show kind of ret-conned Helena this season. Which I can't say I'm unhappy about, because new-Helena is obviously better-Helena, but it does kind of negate a lot of what her character was in season 1 which from a narrative standpoint is not good. That aside, while the show is not perfect (one example: they utterly FAILED at hair and make-up with Tony), I still loved it anyway. Now I am not so sure. Maybe with time I'll feel differently.

tv: orphan black

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