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Comments 18

waltzmatildah August 5 2013, 04:21:44 UTC
I'm at work for four more hoursssss yet!!! Arghhhhh!!!!


crickets August 6 2013, 03:35:08 UTC
I want to say consider yourself lucky. Because I still feel drained 24 hours later. But you've probably watched by now.


aeliasnymph August 5 2013, 05:40:36 UTC
I am just so distraught. This was not a closed ending like with season two. This was so much more raw and real and worse, and there's was no last minute breather for us to catch our breath. I just don't even know what to think about Linden, or how Holder feels, or anything. I'm just so. Ugh.

It's also a million times worse because a season four hasn't been confirmed yet and if it they don't get a green light and this was finale was IT I will just die.

is there consoling fic in the future?


crickets August 6 2013, 03:36:38 UTC
I feel like my protectiveness of Sarah Linden made this MAYBE the most emotional episode of the season. And after the last three that's saying A LOT.

I mean, I just.. she's completely devastated. I can't even imagine.

We need a season four.

Yes, I am writing fic. Maybe not now because I am still not over it. But maybe in a few days or a week or so. Maybe it'll involve "on the run" type drama. Because that seems like a great place to go from here.


aeliasnymph August 6 2013, 05:45:33 UTC
YES, this episode was torture. And it's exactly because of Sarah that the ending was so devastating. Like...I just have no hope, I know they'll figure something out, but her future is so bleak and I don't know what Holder is going to do and I just don't see how she can make it back from this, this poor girl has had ENOUGH and then they make her go through this? Sarah Linden is my lady love and her life and situation has emotionally compromised me.


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crickets August 6 2013, 03:37:05 UTC
I know. All day I have felt uncomfortable.

It took me a while to realize it was this show that was doing it to me.


imaginary_lives August 5 2013, 12:11:19 UTC
If this show gets cancelled now AGAIN I am going to fuck shit up.


crickets August 6 2013, 03:37:29 UTC
I'll bring a bat and we'll do it together.

Because damn!


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crickets August 6 2013, 03:38:18 UTC
Yes. Season 4. Need it. Must have it. Give it to me.

Sarah Linden, you broken, beautiful creature you. I can't even get over how all of this has so totally fucked her up.


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