The Killing + A Poll!

Jul 29, 2013 16:44

This week's episode of The Killing.

[PRO-TIP Don't watch this week's The Killing and Fruitvale Station in the same day!]I actually don't know how to fully respond to this episode.


This show?


I just...


Sarsgaard completely broke me when he called "Get off of me," when it was clear that they were going to drag him away rather than let him see his son. Who was mere yards away. The delivery and the agony. I
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tv: the killing, i heart my flist

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Comments 7

deathisyourart July 29 2013, 22:00:43 UTC
I was holding it in pretty well until Linden said to Ray "Adrian is right outside, he can hear you" and that was me DONE! I cried the rest of the way through the episode. I'm so mad that this aired too late for this Emmy cycle, and will probably be forgotten by the next; Peter Sarsgaard needs to be handed an Emmy, NOW! Mireille Enos and Joel Kinnaman wouldn't be too far behind him either.


waltzmatildah July 30 2013, 07:40:19 UTC
Peter Sarsgaard needs to be handed an Emmy, NOW! I agree SO MUCH with this sentiment. A friend and I are going to TIFF, and we've shortlisted Night Moves on the basis of his part in it alone!! And while I loved Mireille in seasons one and two, I honestly think she has been FREE OF FLAWS this season and absolutely needs a nom. next year.


waltzmatildah July 30 2013, 07:51:16 UTC

I sent an email to catteo a couple of weeks ago theorising on the liklihood that the show would 'go there' with regard to hanging an innocent man. We remarked that the show had been pretty bold in its storytelling choices in seasons one and two, and that if ANY show could do it, it would be this one. BUT... I then tempered this with discussion about the potential political fall out in the real world (where capital punishment is SUCH a contentious issue) and whether the network would give Veena permission/the freedom to even consider it. In the end I kinda decided that I WANTED them to (sorry Ray!), but that they probably wouldn't be ALLOWED to. After all, it did seem to me like there were some definite shifts this year that it's possible to attribute to conditions of their being renewed (the more blatant shippiness and the pace of the storytelling in general, for example).





crickets August 2 2013, 13:21:12 UTC
Still emotionally drained. Even Sheldon can't help me now.


(The comment has been removed)

crickets August 2 2013, 13:23:05 UTC
I don't know if I will ever be over it. Maybe with time. But I don't know. That moment where Seward has accepted his death and is waiting for Adrian, with all that hope for what their meeting will be like, to have it so cruelly ripped away is probably the thing that will haunt me the most about this episode. I mean, his botched hanging is bad, but the Adrian thing is what killed me in this episode. I kept waiting for the phone to ring.

And his last lines. I loved them, but then I hated them. Because it was over.


twilightthief August 2 2013, 03:41:46 UTC
I just finished watching this week's The Killing...yeah...

I'm still crying.

This show, this effing show!


crickets August 2 2013, 13:23:18 UTC
I know.

I know.



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