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crickets July 23 2013, 16:51:38 UTC
I had to swallow the sounds I would have made because I watch it with my mom and she would have thought I was a crazy person if I had verbalized whatever my brain was thinking in that moment. The rejection though, ugh. I totally wish that your canon version things had happened. But Sarah saying "It's okay. It doesn't matter." I felt like she was talking to me. (It's alright, KC. We'll make out for you later. Chill out.) Because I wanted that kiss to happen just as bad as Holder. I keep seeing all the reviewers saying that they are so glad that the show-runners addressed and dismissed the issue, which is SO NOT WHAT IT DID FOR ME, and not at all what I feel Veena was trying to do. To me, it didn't dismiss Holder/Linden, it brought it into the canon. And coupled with all of the jokes from Holder, and all the talk of Linden's past relationship history, and all the cute little innuendos between them, it's not just a single moment that will be dismissed entirely. And if it turns out to be then it's one hell of a coincidence. (And it better ( ... )


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crickets July 24 2013, 23:45:22 UTC
The plan right now is to write SOMETHING before the next episode.

Yeah, Linden/Skinner is just... no. Especially after my last theory post. (IDK if you're reading theories... but if you are. Read it!)


I actually had this in my head every time I read something like that in a review or a comment! Seriously? WHAT? I just.. how? They had Holder make a desperate pass at Linden to ELIMINATE her as a love interest? I... I don't follow. But yes. I saw it EVERYWHERE. Are they watching the same show? Haha.

Ray. UGH. His character just kills me. I think of those pics of him and Adrian in the file. Kills me dead.


timidwildone July 24 2013, 18:06:34 UTC
Agreed that it didn't dismiss anything! It's the first time anything of the sort has been acknowledged beyond Holder's flirtations to Linden in the first ep of the season (the whole "that's sexy" bit about her boyfriend, and how he told her "lookin' good, Linden.").

You guys are making my imagination run wild. I can so see Linden just totally saying "oh well f*ck it, what else can go wrong in my life? may as well hit this beautiful piece of crazy I'm working with" if Seward does indeed end up hanging. I like...don't necessarily want that to be the way things go, but I also would be standing, cheering, and doing cartwheels in front of the television. Then I'd rewind it and watch it again.

So...on a related note...how do we all feel about spoilers around here? I have seen a few hints lately that may tell which direction this H/L development goes...


crickets July 24 2013, 18:59:08 UTC
Ummm. You can PM me. I will respond properly later. Out and about. But spoilers are important!


crickets July 24 2013, 23:48:17 UTC
Yes. Yes yes to your first sentence here. This was acknowledgement of something real. Finally.

Also yeah, that's how I see it happening too. Especially if she loses Ray. But possibly before the fallout of discovering whoever the real killer is. (I had more thoughts on that today and posted another killer theory post, if you're interested.) I will be doing cartwheels too! And LOTS AND LOTS OF REWINDING.


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