he asks about you every day

Jun 24, 2013 10:19

With every episode I am loving this season more and more, and this episode is no exception. I liked how tight this episode felt, because we were free of both Reddick and Twitch/Lyric so we could focus only on the case itself and Seward. Which, to me, is the same thing.

That opening sequence was so harrowing but also so beautiful and so The Killing. I really thought the driver was going to get it. I loved the barely-there image of the pursuer in the headlights. Chilling.

I did have a main suspect in mind, along with a few strays, a couple of episodes ago, but this episode made me suspect Reddick (for his absence) and I already suspected Skinner for no other reason than his desire to cover up the Seward connection to this case. So that just adds to the fray of all my other suspects (who shall remain nameless, because that's just too much speculation to get into) and basically I now think EVERYBODY DID IT. Which is clearly not what happened, but in my mind I'm tying to piece together how all of Seattle is in on it, and that's coming together nicely, just in case you were wondering where my whodunnit headspace was.

The girl they rescued in this episode was not Kallie, but going further than that, I'm 100% suspecting that she is not a victim of the Pied Piper and instead some kind of twisted copy-cat. This may not be possible given how much information the public may or may not know about the condition of the bodies, but the M.O. just seems all wrong. Doesn't the killer usually break the fingers/take the rings post mortem? And does he need to sharpen his trusty knife? Because her neck was all messed up, but not enough to kill her, let alone practically decapitate her. I am almost willing to bet they're going to discover that the knife used is not the same one. Unless the killer just got totally distracted by the fact that his dump site was found coupled with the fact that this girl somehow gave him the slip.

Joe Mills. I just don't know, Joe. Did you do it? How'd you get Kallie's phone? Questions. Questions.

Alton's confession killed me. Pretty much. The complexities of that situation is one of the beautiful things about this show. Wanting forgiveness and finally getting it being a kind of curse on its own, because of the guilt. Of all the scenes this episode, that's the one I want to go back and re-watch.

Seward's reaction to Adrian's "forgiveness" was expected. I appreciated the foster mother's earnestness though. She just wants Adrian to see his father one more time before he dies. Her pleas to him were heartwrenching. And for once I was angry at Ray, even though I feel like I understand why he's doing it. All the walls he's put up will come crumbling down if he doesn't.

Bullet's journey in this episode was a tough one. Started out beautifully, with her outsmarting Linden and Holder with her "one turn at a time" directions, and bonding with Linden - I loved the North Star comment, and the quip about Holder being Linden's "man" - and ended with her realization that Kallie is probably dead. However I feel like dragging out the discovery of Kallie's body so long has to mean that she's still alive. Even though I'll probably be disappointed. But when Bullet was finally giving up, and Holder was comforting her, that scene didn't resonate as much with me because I feel like Kallie just might make it through. (God, I hope!)

Continue to love all the Bullet and Holder scenes. I don't know why but I got such a kick out of his "In the back! Always in the back." Line. That was so cute. And when her freak-out when he tries to tell her to lower her expectations. Poor thing. And of course that last scene, which I already mentioned.

Holder found his hoodie! I wish I could be happier about that. He better not live in it now. I mean, once in a while is okay but I will miss the hell out of that suit. Just saying.

Why do Holder and Linden have to hurt each other? "You spot it, you got it?" // "Is that one of your addict sayings?" I mean? OUCH YOU GUYS. Go easy on each other. You're practically all you've got! My shipper goggles are glued on. I can't take them off even when I try. Because the Bullet remark about Holder and Linden's relationship was cute, but then Linden's awkward total overreaction was way more than that. Bullet totally struck a chord. Somebody tell me I'm not imagining that. And that kind of was reinforced by the scene where Holder offered Linden to come over and eat (on Valentine's Day!), her lame excuse of not liking tofu (or whatever she said). It was just awkward in a way that they haven't been before and I feel like it means something this time. And then she showed up!!! And was obviously shocked/embarrassed by Caroline's presence, even though she was lovely and gracious. And then the Valentine's Day debacle. And yeah... Guys, please tell me this isn't all in my head?

tv: the killing

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