yeah, this is happening again

Jun 17, 2013 18:21

Basically the only thing keeping me watching this show for a very long time (the past two seasons at least) is how much I ship these assholes:

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tv: true blood

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Comments 13

kiki_miserychic June 18 2013, 00:41:42 UTC
You know you have it bad when you refer to your ship as "these assholes."


crickets June 18 2013, 00:55:02 UTC
Haha yeah pretty much.


kiki_miserychic June 20 2013, 01:27:36 UTC
Jessica/Bill is all wrapped up in daddy issues, which I enjoy in a sick way, so I'm all for it.


crickets June 21 2013, 13:53:41 UTC
Hahaha, oh you.


(The comment has been removed)

crickets June 21 2013, 13:51:31 UTC
I didn't react to that so much. I am sure something interesting will come of that decision. I'm more confused and upset by Jason's actions to be honest.

I don't know. I don't see Bill as abusive to Jessica at all, but that's just me. I have no expectations that they'll happen on the show. I always ship the wrong things! But then I think... this is True Blood! Anything can happen!


quiet_rebel June 18 2013, 03:48:18 UTC
You are not alone.

I do love that gif.


crickets June 21 2013, 13:51:44 UTC
♥ So glad I am not alone!


hamarakissa June 18 2013, 03:52:20 UTC
I ship them in a shippy/nonship way. Does that even make sense? :x Some parts I'm all YES! and other times I'm all... NO! :p


crickets June 21 2013, 13:51:58 UTC
It does make sense! I feel like I am the same way too!


ellensmithee June 18 2013, 05:33:47 UTC
crickets June 21 2013, 13:52:11 UTC
Sigh. They're too perfect together.


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