So It Starts

Jun 02, 2013 23:18

→ First of all Holder, Holder, Holder. It looks like people on twitter (at least from seeing the AMC's dedicated Killing feed) have now nicknamed him "Smolder" and I cannot disagree at all. I love that he's not on board with his (let's say it) lazy partner's methods and that he's still following his nose. That's the Holder I have come to know and love. Holder who wants to do the right thing.

→ Holy actors/actresses from all the things, batman! Aaron Douglas, Hugh Dillon, Jewel Staite, Ben Cotton, Elias Koteas. I remembered vaguely hearing about the last one, but those others were surprises for me. I loved Jewel's comment about Holder's tatt. "Serenty. Sounds like a stripper's name." I seriously hope they put that in there purposely for the Firefly reference. Because how could they not?

→ Speaking of... Peter Sarsgaard was phenomenal and I can't wait to see what else they do with this character. I love how they have his hair cut in this and just the sort of serene look on his face. He obviously has been driven kind of mad stuck in prison for the past few years, but he's got such a kind face and lovely eyes. Given how volatile they've made his character, it's a really striking contrast - and it really worked in that scene with Aaron Douglas when he was playing him. Because who wouldn't take pity on a face that earnest? I want to say it was "obvious" he knew nothing about his wife's ring being missing and thus is innocent (of that crime at least) but then I legit don't want to make any assumptions right off the bat.

→ It totally slays me how Sarah's sweet little life that she had made for herself went to shit so quickly. While the delusional Sarah/Stephen shipper in me secretly rejoiced that at least one of them is single now, I am actually hoping that her new beau doesn't give up on her as quickly as Rick did back in season one. I want him to stick around just so that she's not alone. (Ugh, why do I love these characters so much?) Especially because Jack's gone again and Reggie has already written her off. (Which, by the way! Again? Geez,... with friends like these...)

→ I really enjoyed Bullet, but I knew I would from the pre-series stuff they released. I was baffled as to why they included her being attacked and raped though. The only reason I can imagine that it was done was to cast further suspicion on her assailant, who made the comment about Kallie having her throat slit. While we don't know anything has happened to Kallie for sure other than she's gone missing, we do have the poster with her trademark star earrings to give us a pretty big clue. (Not that it couldn't be misleading.) But then, why wouldn't he kill Bullet too? Maybe she's not his "type" so-to-speak.

→ Linden and Holder! Okay just for the record there was barely any of them together in both of these eps, which was just sad. I need them in the same room... or the same vehicle. Please and thank you. At least we know next week they're gonna jump right in it again. However, I got a weird kick out of the fact that they both lied to each other about smoking. And Holder's parting line to her about how he never thought she'd say not to care about his cases. OUCH. Angst. That's what I love about these two. One minute it's joking around and the next minute it's an angst-punch to the face.

→ Relatedly, I'm sorry, gross partner was gross with his comments about carpets and drapes and whatnot but why were there like three mentions (including that super inappropriate one) in this episode of Linden hooking up with her partner/co-workers? Plus we've got Rick the therapist and that "Tom-Waits-looking" mob cop. Linden has a history of getting together with people she works with/people she is supposed to be in a professional relationship with. I really really hope that Veena Sud is trying to tell us something with all this. Because, damn, I ship it so hard.

→ In other news. Is it next week yet?

tv: the killing

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