TVD Season 4 Finale

May 16, 2013 23:36

I started writing a short comment at a TVD comm and it turned into a really long comment and I thought I might as well just post it here instead. So here are my completely incoherent thoughts:

Not to be a Pollyanna but, I liked it.

→ I like giving Katherine the cure because to me this reads as; MOAR KATHERINE. Which I am always down with. It'll be interesting to see how they play it. I don't want her to be a different person entirely, but obviously something is going to have to change for her so that she doesn't just immediately go out and get someone to turn her back right away. I didn't quite believe that she would kill Elena because she never got to have her own high school graduation, etc. etc. and was jealous? I mean, c'mon. This is Katherine we're talking about. Plus its not like Elena's life had been roses lately. Also, it kind of kills me that Katherine is going to be turning human while Stefan is going to be at the bottom of a quarry. I love their relationship and I feel like I would have liked to see him react to this and also how the two would play off each other after the change. I guess we may eventually see that. But not right away. Which is a bummer.

→ I am distraught about Stefan being in that quarry, mostly because I was hoping to write a bunch of "So, my BFF Lexi thinks yer cute, Let's make out." Stefan/Caroline fic. Only with a ton more angst. See, I ask for more angst, and what do I get? ANGEL SEASON 3 finale levels of angst. I mean okay. I'm not only distraught because it ruins my fic plans. (Well, fic that doesn't require canon-defying gymnastics.) I am also distraught because STEFAN! Moving past my distress, I really like the idea of the whole shadow self and the whole doppelganger thing in this particular case. I mean, at least they explained this incarnation of it. (Whereas the Tatia/Katerina/Elena thing has never really been explained, has it?) I am not really looking forward to Silas stealing Stefan's identity though. It gets super squicky for me when people don't know who they're really dealing with. (Same when Klaus was switched with Tyler's body.)

→ I basically love Rebekah and Matt in equal amounts but in vastly differing ways so their storyline doesn't bother me. In fact, because she has clearly always liked him and it isn't some new development, it really works for me. And I actually think they have chemistry. Let them traipse around the world for the summer. We know Bex is going to be on The Originals so their coupling will surely be short-lived. Matt hasn't been happy in a while. Let him have his fun.

→ Also, I like Jeremy being back. This is not just because I ship him with everyone but also because I just need Elena to have somebody. I can't wait for the Jeremy/Matt reunion. Kind of sorry Matt was too busy this episode to get to see him.

→ Bonnie being dead feels a little false to me. Left unfinished. (Much like Jeremy's death did earlier this season.) I'll only believe it's "for real" when we're several episodes into season 5. And maybe not even then.

→ I've heard a bunch of crap about Trevino maybe not returning to the show... at least not for a long while. So that whole Klaus letting Tyler of the hook thing makes me wonder if maybe those reports were slightly exaggerated? Either that or something else is going to go wrong. It seems ridiculous to me to bring a character back just to kill him off, so I wonder what else could happen. There's no way that Tyler would choose to stay gone if he has Klaus' blessing. Also, speaking of Klaus, he really did win me over in that conversation with Caroline. I legit didn't think I shipped it all. But now... kinda... maybe I do. (Trying to remind myself there's a spin-off to consider here.)

tv: the vampire diaries

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