we are ugly, but we have the music

Mar 29, 2013 10:13

I am so behind on everything and then some more on top of that. Like Shameless. Don't even know how many episodes I've missed (Read: A lot.), but I recently saw some garbage on tumblr that makes me very, very upset. But I don't have time to be upset. I don't even have time to be writing this post, but I am saying fuck everything today and my only job is to do my laundry and pack for my trip. (Not true, not true! But I will try to make it as true as it can be.)

→ I started writing fic (Haven and The Killing) like 2 weeks ago but it's tucked away in some notebook somewhere... if only I could find it!

→ Ick! I listened to and absolutely hated Lana Del Rey's cover of Chelea Hotel No. 2.(And I normally love her.) If anyone else had the unfortunate pleasure of that I encourage you to cleanse your palate by listening to this random guy on YouTube killing it:

image Click to view

You're welcome.

→ Does anybody know anything about bonsai? I bought a 3 year old Jade bonsai tree from a street vendor yesterday. It was completely an impulse buy and cost me 25 bucks, which I feel like was probably pretty average? I'm going to have to look online or buy a book or something to figure out the care/pruning etc., situation. Completely clueless on that front.

→ I saw a preview for this new BBC America show, Orphan Black. Thinking about watching it. I'll have to DVR the premiere as I'll be out of town and I'm not sure if the cable company at the house we're staying will have the channel. Anybody hear about it? Is it supposed to be any good?

→ Guh. Before Midnight.

→ Oh, ETA! Distraction free smartphone thing? I am totally digging it almost 2 weeks later. I did re-enabl youtube on Monday though. (I at least lasted over a week without doing it!) That was exclusively for LBD though and now that it's over I suppose I could delete it again. I've enabled Safari periodically in the last few days for looking up a couple of random things in a pinch, but I've turned it off right afterward each time. I kind of like it better this way? I am still debating on whether or not to re-enable echofon. Maybe later...? Maybe not.

movies, movies: before midnight, tv: orphan black, writing, music

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