
Jun 17, 2010 16:59

→ I don't usually notice the featured journals on the main livejournal page however they caught my eye today and I thought I'd rec one of them. little_details looks like a great resource for writers, of the fanfiction and original variety. [Plus they utilize tags: a bonus.] The userinfo describes the community as:
a community that helps writers with their research and fact-checking. We have a large, diverse membership that can answer questions such as:

"If I hit my character on the head like so, what will happen?"
"Will this destroy the Earth?"
"Can guys have freckles on their penises?"

All types of fiction writers--professional, amateur, fanfiction, original--are welcome to post questions. Our focus is on factual accuracy rather than general writing advice. If you're still not sure what we're about, reading our recent entries page should give you a better idea.

(The answer to the last question, by the way, is "yes.")

→ My boredom often leads me to checking out the google news feed, which once in a while holds some interesting tidbits of information. Well, apparently Jeremy London [OMG, Griffin!] was recently kidnapped and forced to use drugs and drive his kidnappers around town? Well that's... I don't know what that is. I mean it's horrible! Obviously. [And incredibly strange....]

→ Speaking of boredom that leads to interesting discoveries [which seems to be the theme here] I just read this interesting blog at NPR called More Misery! More Death! More Cruelty!: The Onset of Dystopian Fatigue by Linda Holmes. In it, she coins the term dystopiphilia, which I can certainly identify with. While I don't agree with all of what she says, as a self-proclaimed dystopiphiliac, I certainly understand what she means. My issues with Breaking Bad, as an example, are of no secret to my flisters who love that show. And I recently watched the first episode of Mad Men and felt incredibly underwhelmed by it all. I told Warren, "I don't understand why that episode wasn't enough for everyone." Because it certainly was enough for me. But I promised I would watch at least the next two episodes. Give it a solid try at least. Somehow, despite my love for post-apocalyptic, gritty, angsty, dirty storytelling -- pretty much all of my new favorite shows are lighter fair -- Life Unexpected, Parenthood, Community, Modern Family. Definitely worth a read and I am curious as to what you guys think about this subject? Do you love it or hate it? Is the shiny, happy, more your bag?

→ If none of this interests you, yesterday Dayl helped me to rediscover the joys of Dumb Jokes That Are Funny by The Oatmeal.

Where does George Washington keep his armies?

In his sleevesies!

!recs, this crazy world, recs: communities, recs: general, tv

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