→ I loved last night's True Blood. I'm sure I could comment more. And I'm sure there were some things I didn't like, but for the most part? That was awesome. As usual. They cram so much into one episode it's crazy. Two really quick things:
First, Bill's girl (Jessica?) was kind of hilarious. And forgive me if the actress is actually young, but I do not for one second believe she is someone even close to home-schooling age. She's a great actress so far, but seriously? Home-schooling? NO. And secondly, Admiral Cain was really warm and nice! Yay for actresses with range! (But of course that means she must be evil! Stop her!) I know that's not much but, what can I say? I'm a minimalist.
So I'm kind of dreading the fact that it's almost that certain day of the week. Truly. I am so so tired of people saying, "Say, remember when it was Wednesday? How great was that?!" And I'm like, "Come on, folks. It's next Monday already! Could you drop last Wednesday already?!?! Wednesday is over. It's in the past. I don't even *like* Wednesday. Can we please move on?" And then I realize, holy shit, it's like two days until Wednesday again and then it's going to start all over! Fucking FUCK! I think I might cut out my eyes and ears. That is, of course, the most logical solution. And no, this doesn't make any sense because it's one of my stupid poorly disguised analogies. Don't hate me because I'm intolerant of other people's week day preferences, okay? It's how I was brought up. It's not my fault. Friday is best, Wednesday forces me choke back the vomit. It's genetic. It's a very serious illness.
→ I was going to talk about a certain BSG spoiler (not plotty) but I think the cat is already out of the bag on that one. And I'm usually a spoiler-phobe when it comes to BSG so I'm surprised I even read it myself.
→ I had butter tarts for the first time yesterday. My parents brought them back from Ottawa. Mmm, good. Now I understand why you Canadians are such a nice and friendly bunch. It's the butter tarts!
→ I finished almost all of my Christmas shopping this morning. But I cheated and I shopped online. And only 2 items were of the DVD/CD variety. I'm truly proud. I have some final things to get, grandma and friends online, but the majority of it is done! And I think everyone is going to love what I got them, which is a really great feeling. Wee! Christmas!
→ I'm going to go watch TSCC on my DVR now.