the big catch-up post (not ketchup, totally different.)

Oct 10, 2008 08:49

→ Feeling okay this morning. I should have set my alarm to get up on time so I could make up some hours at work. Fooey.

→ I wanted to review the first two episodes of Pushing Daisies and Friday Night Lights, but that's like... four? whole episodes, and I'm way too lazy for that, so here's a brief bit of... squee, if you will.

If you think about it, these shows fall on opposite ends of the spectrum. One is high fantasy, very fairy-tale like, and one is very grim and reality-based. (Even moreso than regular dramas, if you watch it, you know what I mean.) But what they have in common is that both of them are gloriously executed. I don't think there is a night on TV right now that surpasses Wednesday in terms of the awesomeness and quality that comprises these two shows. They make me happy. They make me feel. Basically what I'm saying is... Yay! Pushing Daisies and Friday Night Lights! For fitting as much awesome as humanly possible into one hour of TV. Thank you, Thank you.

zelda_zee called my attention to this meta by xparrot which is about different fannish types and how we're all getting something different out of the shows that we watch. I thought it was very interesting and insightful. I think I'm a little bit of both types suggested. I think I weigh in on the intellectual side, but there's a good chunk of the emotional fanning going on over here too. Obviously I have favorite characters (though not with every show, several of my shows I simply love everyone!) but I tend not to have OTPs. I tend to multi-ship my favorite characters.

Actually, this reminds me of a post that chloris67 made the other day about OTCs (or favorite characters) and multi-shipping but then simply having one OT3 (Jawyercita, Kara/Leoben/Sam...) it's pretty unrelated to the fannish types discussion, but here's a link. Because it's interesting!

→ I finished reading Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris (the first of the novels that True Blood is based on) and have started the second.

I joined the Sam/Sookie community on livejournal (sam_sookie, I believe) because it's the only "Sam-centered" community I could find so far. (I like Sam/Tara as well, like I said, multi-shipper here.) I noticed that a lot of long-time readers are displeased with the way Sam is portrayed in the show. Obviously, I disagree. The majority seems think he's being made out to be pretty creepy, whereas he isn't in the book. But I didn't find him creepy even before reading the books, so I feel like maybe many long-time readers are just very close and protective of their characters? I feel that they've fleshed him out really well (because the books are 1st person, Sookie's POV) and that the showrunners are simply trying to misdirect the audience into thinking Sam could possibly be the bad guy. I'm sure that the intention is that when they find out his true nature and true intentions, they'll understand his prior behavior better. (I commented in more detail over here.)

→ I'm having woes about Supernatural. I quit the show and I'm perfectly happy with that. But it seems I can't escape it either way. I guess over the summer I'd forgotten how many of you (my flisters) watch and review that show. And, I'm not going to lie it's a bit overwhelming. (And yet underwhelming at the same time... if that makes sense.)

There are several varied and numerous reasons why I've given up that show for good, and I think I might make a giant post of reasons, maybe later today. (This post is getting too long.) But my point in bringing it up now, is that it does put this huge divide between me and my flist. At least when I hated the fuck out of that show last year I could still discuss and hate it with you. Now, A) I'm not watching so true discussion isn't an option and B) Everything about it infuriates me. I mean, we're talking Mrs. White, flames on the side of my face, breathing breath, heaving breaths, type hate. So yeah. DIVIDE. It's huge and un-ignorable, and frustrating. And I'm no longer making coherent thoughts. Ignore me.

!meta, i heart my flist, tv: spn, tv: pushing daisies, tv: fnl, reading, tv: true blood

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