Title: The Way Out is Through
Fandom, Characters: supernatural - john-centric ( with bill, mary, demon )
Words, Rating: 2300-ish, nc17
Summary: You can’t exactly die twice, can you?
Warnings: torture, non-con, violence, disturbing imagery, hell!fic
A/N: Beta read by
kmousie. Written as a request for
disanddat for
Sweet Charity.
Non timebo mala. I will fear no evil. )
...her talons clicking against the wall
Shape-changing demons rock. It's a gruesome introduction to the concept, gruesome in the best possible way. She/he/it is fascinating.
Besides, can't exactly die twice, can you?
Which is part of what makes a soul's time in hell so much MORE! Bill is an interesting choice of guides. Not someone expected, and thereby more intriguing. Just this little hint of hope makes the torture more severe.
In life, John Winchester had never seen a demon in the flesh.
Puts me in mind of that Buffy:tVS episode where they first see a FULL demon in the flesh. Ohh... the suggestion that John's mercy killing of Bill had more layers than were suggested on the show. Cool. The last few spaced out words/lines, very effective.
Like pages of the Bible swimming in holy water, they disappear.
The suggestion of wincest is so very subtle, but I want to see it, so it's there. Lovely. The steel made me shiver. This little bit is brutal but I'm intrigued.
Bill pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to John.
What a perfect talisman. The reminder... of the gap between what John feels is real and the situation around him. This is a really good story.
"Soon enough, John," she says after recovering, "you'll be just like me."
Which isn't something I thought of earlier. I like that John managed to sting her/it back.
The bed she makes for him is soft and warm, and he never wants to leave.
Tricky, very tricky. I was confused and cautiously relieved for his sake and then...
"Go on," she says, "I like it rough."
It's gets all squirmy and hot/wrong... and then 'Go John!'. He's got it.
Now, it's waiting, and somehow he thinks it's harder than before.
The build up for the escape... I'm glad it's convoluted rather than a straight run. It only fits, considering what he's gone through.
All in all... this is a great fic. It's perfectly in line with what I was hoping for when I said John in hell and/or climbing out. You've done a job and a half and I thank you loudly and completely.
Anyway I just wanted to say thank you so much for the amazing prompt. It really pushed me, but I'm happy with the results. And I am just thrilled that you liked it and that it met what you were trying to get. Yay!
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