Jun 17, 2007 08:14
I moved into my new apartment yesterday! Oy, it was a long day. Rob and Amanda helped me load in Ann Arbor and Troy's family helped unload in Toledo, which was wonderful, because I had enough stuff to thoroughly stuff a 16 foot Budget moving truck. Ugh. Pudge didn't like the move very much, she was so nervous last night that she had diarrhea that stuck all over her fluffiness, so Troy had to take a shower with her last night at 1am. She does like the big windows with sills that are the perfect size for her to sit on though. I really like my apartment, but it's a huge mess right now.
I'm not a fan of Uhaul. I didn't know how their whole reservation thing worked, but I made my truck reservation online last Monday (to use yesterday). Last minute, I know, but since it let me make a reservation, I assumed I would be able to find a truck within a reasonable distance from where I lived. Well, they don't tell you where you have to go to get it until sometime before 6pm the day before you need it. They wanted me to go to Inkster, MI to get a truck, which is 40 minutes away according to google maps. That sort of defeats the purpose of saving gas money when I have to drive almost as far as I'm moving just to get the truck. So I called to see if there was anywhere closer, etc and the lady got snotty with me about how it's first come first serve and I just made my reservation on Monday. That's fine, I understand, but it would have been nice to know earlier that I would have to drive so far, so that I could shop around for trucks with other companies. So I called around and Budget had a truck 2 miles from my place in Ann Arbor. So I called the place I was supposed to pick up the truck to cancel and that lady got all snotty with me because "google maps lies, it only takes 25 minutes from Ann Arbor). That may be true, depending on WHERE in Ann Arbor you live, and either way, 25 minutes is still 50 minutes total of driving my car there and back to pick UP the stupid truck. I wasn't impressed. Then right after I got off the phone with her, snotty lady #1 called me back and was like, "You cancelled?!" Darn right I cancelled! I found a truck right by me for the same price with a different company! So, moral of the story, either make your reservation with Uhaul super early, or use a company like Budget because they treated me very nicely and had a truck ready for me 15 hours before I needed to get it.
The TA position isn't what I thought it would be. It's not a TA position at all; the lady said she's not going to have me teaching at all. I won't even ever go to the class. All I'll do is find her articles and do other stuff she doesn't want to do to help her prepare for her class. I wasn't very thrilled. The whole reason I decided to go to UT was so because of the TA position and the opportunity to get college teaching experience. Oh well. I started my first education class last week. I like it a lot, but it's only 2 weeks long and we have to read 2 books during that time. I am almost done with the first one, but have barely started the second. It wouldn't be so bad if all we had to do was read, but we also have to do lesson plans, etc; and the class meets from 9am-2pm, so it doesn't give you a ton of time to work in the evenings either.