Aug 19, 2005 17:53
My cousin, who is nice most of the time when he's in touch with his inner feminist, got into Med School. Yeah! At first we thought he wasn't going to get in because he supposedly failed his A-Level math exam and if he did he would be denied entry. When he says he failed you have to believe him becuase he usually says he does good on exams. The entire family was supposed to be praying for him. So when results came out on Thursday we were waiting for the phone call to say whether he failed or not. And it never came.
Them my mom called to ask if he passed but she couldn't just outright ask so she was beating around the bush speaking of the weather, the garden, her health and I finally had enough and grabbed the phone and said I got my driver's license and my aunt was like Sonai got into Med School and then all was right in our world again.
I can just see fifteen years from now, when he's some top notch doctor, he'll be getting on my case for being too fat or puny. Ah yes the future looks so bright. Well congrats to him, he's in and now it's my turn to get into college. Suddenly the future doesn't looks so bright.