Jan 05, 2011 09:49
i kept writing this, and then deleating it. i want to state, again, how much the months of november and december get to me. more then "winter depression."
november starts out well enough, then 7 years ago, the 6th became hell, and the 4 days after. highlight of my h.b's birthday, then, the annivesary of my cousin's death and a reunion on the 30th.
december has my grandma's birthday, which brings me down, and a friend's pet's passing on the same day. i state this because he got pissed w/me when c saw that i was crumbling over not having my grandma and threw a bbq to raise my spirits. he threw a fit that there wouldn't be a pitty party for him, but a celebration of life on the 5th. lost that friendship there, but kept trying to salvage it for 2 mos.
every year the season of this gloom gets longer. this year it made it to my 12th anniversary. there were snips and snipes, then my god father's mother passed away.
i really want to make these months better again. here is hoping