May 11, 2008 08:47
Happy Mothers day, everyone.
It has come to my attention recently that not everyone enjoys this day and to them I say "Humbug". These individuals tend to fall into one of two categories I'm told. Either they wish they were a mother and are not and are therefor resentful of those who are mothers. To these women (and men I may suppose) I would like to say that maybe you should take a moment out of your selfish life and remember that you have a mother of your own who brought you into this world and be grateful that she did. The other category contains all those who just don't get along with their mothers or whose mother was not a part of their family. I still think the spirit of the day is to set aside selfish thoughts in order to remember mothers and honor them if only for one day. Even if you don't get along particularly well with your mother, there is much to thank her for even if you don't like her. I realize that some people will read this and say "what about this situation" and I don't know about that situation. But while there may be some situations where honoring a particular mother is unwarranted, I feel that there are plenty of mothers out there who could use our love and support who, though they may not be our mothers, would still enjoy our pleasant thoughts this day.
Just some thoughts that occurred to me this week.
-Lee out