Apr 16, 2007 22:18
both my brother and my sister finally joined Facebook...and I have a bunch of photos I uploaded onto my account, so I went through and "tagged" all the photos with my siblings in them so they would link to their facebook accounts and we could share pictures back and fourth...
well, my sister called left a million voicemails yesterday all freaked out about her friends seeing these pictures of her. Then I got this email from my brother last night:
"if i wanted pictures on facebook id put them on myself. i dont want those lame family pictures on there with jamey just sitting there? come on.. thanks a lot"
I was so bent out of shape. If it was for the sake of their security and safety, it'd be one thing, but it isn't (besides, there is absolutely no way some stranger could get a hold of these pictures...I've made it so only my friends can see them).
My brother and sister are so insecure about themselves-- THAT is why they don't want me posting pictures of them. They are my family, I'm proud of them, and why shouldn't I be able to share with my friends pictures of my family?
It's like telling your parents to put away every picture of you in the house so visitors don't see them.
I did end up removing the tags so they are now anonymous and the pics don't associate themselves to their personal accounts (their friends won't be able to view them)
I just got off the phone with my sister and she is STILL bent out of shape about it...what more does she want?? For pete's sake, I am not going to censor my pictures because she is insecure about her looks. GRR. I ended up hanging up on her because she was acting completely irrational.
I am going to call her again and see if she's calmed down.