May 15, 2004 16:44
writing papers sucks. It's due Monday, but its not that long. I'm over half way done, but had to stop b/c of my back. :-/ It is going much faster than I expected to, though, so that's a good thing.
Good news, my back is getting better, although I hafta go to the doctors twice a week for a few weeks before he thinks the pain will totally go away. I'm gonna need more alleve. *sigh*
On break, I ordered pizza from seattle's best pizza for the first time (since a guy posted coupons and the LJ special for this weekend on seattle's community). Damn, if you are on capitol hill, get this stuff! it is sooo good. and it's cheap for the size of the pizza. the BBQ chicken specialty pizza w/ pineapples instead of mushrooms is the bomb. I'm stuffed.
AND, I went and saw an apt. today. it was a good size, and they offered to knock down the price a bit. plus, 1 month free dispersed over a year makes it look pretty good. I still wanna see some other apts before I decide on this one, tho. It was a pretty old building, which was cool, and Sarah said I could make it ghettofab. lol.