You know if Steven Hawking can admit that he is wrong about black holes, why can't anyone in the American government admit 9-11 might have been prevented
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According to the 9-11 commissions report there are some severe and blatant warnings that found otherwise. I dunno I'm picking it up later today to see for myself.
I guess my logic goes like this. If there is a bomb threat, you evacuate the building. That isn't a big brother reaction in my opinion, it's safety. When the FBI presents the president with years of compiled documentation that there is a terrorist threat you respond to it with the same precaution, as a serious threat. That wasn't done and in my opinion should have been done.
Now if you want to view precaution as video taping people all the time, well they already do that. In fact I think the freedom we have is already being ensured with Big Brother like tactics.I believe that 9-11 resulted in that even more so. So the real question for me is should those tactics have been used preventively when we had the information or in retaliation (as it is now) after thousands have died?
It is ALL about November. The Repub convention is here in NY and I fully plan on protesting my heart out.
Well, you say for a bomb threat you evacuate the building. In the case of the 9/11 terrorists what do you do? Evacuate New York, Philadelphia and the Pentagon? For how long? When can people go back to their jobs? What if the "bomb" threat isn't specific and they don't know what city is going to be hit? What do we evacuate then?
I'm of the opinion that we are *incredibly* vulnerable to malicious attacks like the 9/11 attacks and that's the way it should be. Our democracy only works if we can trust one another. With the world getting 'smaller', in terms of how easy it is to get from one place to another, that trust has to extend to more and more people.
Therefore, we have two choices. One, we can try to clamp down on terrorists and eschew trusting 'outsiders', whoever the government decides they may be, and watch America slowly degenerate into a bold projection of Europe in the 1700's. Two, we can try and be as safe as possible while trusting people and avoid pissing off those who would be terrorists. [See "Imperial Hubris" by Anonymous, you can get it on]
I don't think you are seeing point here. I'm not talking about a specific threat on that day. I think you took my analogy of a bomb threat literally when I am using it figuratively.
What I am saying is that when the president is handed a stack of papers that says terrorist are being taught to fly planes in America, you go and search flight schools. When you are told there is going to be a serious attack against U.S airports, you increase airport security. This is what we did after the 9-11 attacks even though Clinton and Bush were both warned with explicit details beforehand. The bottom line is NOTHING was done in regards to the information received about the threat of a terrorist attack.
Maybe you can see it better if I put it into these terms. If someone calls in a bomb threat to a Mall, they increase security and stay on the lookout. Our government did NONE of these things when they were handed a lot more information then just a random phone call. Do you see what I mean?
But I think the details of increased security are something we can say easily in hindsight. The truth (and the point of my post) is that is our foreign policies is what is to blame. Policies which trained and funded Osma Bin Laden to fight the Russians, policies that cause different countries to hate us. I think this the root of why 9-11 happened and what makes me say it could have been prevented.
I guess my logic goes like this. If there is a bomb threat, you evacuate the building. That isn't a big brother reaction in my opinion, it's safety. When the FBI presents the president with years of compiled documentation that there is a terrorist threat you respond to it with the same precaution, as a serious threat. That wasn't done and in my opinion should have been done.
Now if you want to view precaution as video taping people all the time, well they already do that. In fact I think the freedom we have is already being ensured with Big Brother like tactics.I believe that 9-11 resulted in that even more so. So the real question for me is should those tactics have been used preventively when we had the information or in retaliation (as it is now) after thousands have died?
It is ALL about November. The Repub convention is here in NY and I fully plan on protesting my heart out.
I'm of the opinion that we are *incredibly* vulnerable to malicious attacks like the 9/11 attacks and that's the way it should be. Our democracy only works if we can trust one another. With the world getting 'smaller', in terms of how easy it is to get from one place to another, that trust has to extend to more and more people.
Therefore, we have two choices. One, we can try to clamp down on terrorists and eschew trusting 'outsiders', whoever the government decides they may be, and watch America slowly degenerate into a bold projection of Europe in the 1700's. Two, we can try and be as safe as possible while trusting people and avoid pissing off those who would be terrorists. [See "Imperial Hubris" by Anonymous, you can get it on]
What I am saying is that when the president is handed a stack of papers that says terrorist are being taught to fly planes in America, you go and search flight schools. When you are told there is going to be a serious attack against U.S airports, you increase airport security. This is what we did after the 9-11 attacks even though Clinton and Bush were both warned with explicit details beforehand. The bottom line is NOTHING was done in regards to the information received about the threat of a terrorist attack.
Maybe you can see it better if I put it into these terms. If someone calls in a bomb threat to a Mall, they increase security and stay on the lookout. Our government did NONE of these things when they were handed a lot more information then just a random phone call. Do you see what I mean?
But I think the details of increased security are something we can say easily in hindsight. The truth (and the point of my post) is that is our foreign policies is what is to blame. Policies which trained and funded Osma Bin Laden to fight the Russians, policies that cause different countries to hate us. I think this the root of why 9-11 happened and what makes me say it could have been prevented.
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