Hello 2009

Jan 13, 2009 18:06

Hi everyone,

I've deleted my Facebook and returned to my long-abandoned and long-suffering journal. I'm doing my first ever LATE LATE shift at work and one of not too many I hope. It's already going pretty badly. WE'RE ONLY OPEN TO BOOK IN PATIENTS FFS - YOU'VE HAD ALL BLOODYT DAY TO DO EVERYTHING ELSE - FUCK OFF!!!

Yup. I'm so helpful as a GP receptionist.

Hopefully I won't be doing that for too much longer, a recruitment consultant friend of mine has found me a more than suitable admin-cum-stopgap position with a city-based company, they love my CV, want to pay me £17K+ for 9-5 hours and saw my profile on Facebook and think I'm hot. Haha love it.

Anyway re: the facebook thing.... I'm involved with this guy called Adam, it's ridiculous how smitten I am with him, we work in the same building and I just can't leave him alone. The problem is though, I think I'm his booty call - eek. He rarely wants to see me outside of work and when he does it's always at mine, and he leaves late night/early morning. It drives me nuts, I don't wanna be a stationary cupboard fumble to him. I deserve so much more, but everytime I see him my thoughts melt into one: kissing him, and then I melt. Then I begin to excuse his behaviour. I've tried not kissing him but I'm so miserable then that I might as well take what I can get right?! Anyway Facebook just makes me crazy paranoid, not just with him, with some other people too, also I'm getting quite addicted to it, so it's easier just to not go on it for a while I think. I already have the sweats and I only deleted/deactivated it yday morning!!! :P

I'm really hoping to get this other admin job, leaving would be hard, but this situation is getting ridiculous! :(

Hope you are all well. Love etc

Crick elf xxx
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