Oct 16, 2005 02:14
Okay, so, as per usual, tonight was interesting.
I headed to Jess' realizing that my ID was in my locker. Either way we did the whole picture thing and that was amusing.
Steve thought I was cold, I really wasn't. I was probably thinking of all the way tonight could have gone wrong. It seriously upset me that I forgot my ID. Let alone all my work in the band room. Oh well.
Dinner was, as per usual, amusing. Sadly, however, we weren't the only homecomers at Joe's this time. When the waitress asked why we were dressed up Steve replied "We're getting married."
Jess got her hush puppies.
I got my popcorn shrimp.
Justin got his...salad? All right then.
So, then us guys made a pact and then we left, giving quite a nice tip from only four people ($6.01)
When we got there, Russel, Nevers and the whole gang were behind us, but they didn't get in for a while, so the story goes.
Thank god all the teachers that like me were working homecoming. Leahy was the one that checked me in. I told her my story, and how I had my drivers permit, my progress report, and my 8th grade ID on me. When I said in the photo I have the same glasses I do know (lie) Mrs.Wilson started laughing. So, that was fun.
The dance had its ups and downs. It very rap heavy, and very same sided. Like, most of the songs had the same bass lines, and he played a few songs three or seven times. And they played maybe two slow songs, and I believe they were in a row.
I could watch George dance all night.
I could talk to Victoria about random shit all night.
I could creep up on Russell and whatch him freak out all night.
Halfway through, it got really shitty for me, for the most part. I was sick of it, on many levels, sometimes for stupid reasons. Either way, these thing are about a half hour too long.
Justin went home with Amy, which, by the look on his face, made sense to me, and is totally fine with me. I took Steve and Jess home. At Jess' house she showed me the painting that she started on that she does every year on their front window for Halloween. The one ghost she has finished all ready needs a bigger tounge, I think.
Sunnybrook was fun.
I could again talk to Victoria about random shit all night.
I could watch Russell pwn everyone all night.
I could watch Sean do the exact opposite all night.
I could watch Nevers undo her hair all night, but that really only takes much less than a night.
And so on and so forth.
Prank phone calls are fun. I think I went a little far with one, but, you know, whatever works.
And since it's 2:14 in the AM, I'm listening to soft music. Lets give you lyrics to one, shall I?
Take care everyone,
I create to destroy at hand
This path I made in the sand
And I'm off to the deepest depths
To forfeit my place on this land
The tide pulls you into me
As one I drift in the sea
The feeling is free
Yet you'll find yourself drifting with me
Don't hold your breath for long
If the undertows getting too strong
There's no reason for you to come along
The horizon is just ahead
The end of the dry lives we've led
You know what I think of them
You sutured my wounds when I bled
So whats to become of us
The answer has yet to be seen
As fate puts us side by side
You'll find yourself drifting with me
Don't hold your breath for long
If the undertows getting too strong
There's no reason for you to come along
Don't hold your breath for long
If the undertows getting too strong
Theres no reason for you to come along
Hold your breath for long
If the undertows getting too strong
There's no reason for you to come along