Jul 09, 2004 13:02
Some skywriters came and painted the sky from one end to the other with colored smoke. In this way there was landscape from horizon to horizon, and again landscape from horizon to horizon. Seeing it somehow made the sky smaller, and before long the sky was small enough to fit inside a single room. Now when a sky has shrunk enough to fit inside a room it is important to find a room in which to hide it, and there's certainly no telling how long the instance may last. As it turned out, in this case there was some time to enjoy the receding rivulets.
As luck would have it, the sky fit best in the main wing of the Legion of Honor, which is a three-quarter scale replica of the 18th century Palais de la Légion d’Honneur in Paris, France. Here, not only did the sky fit nicely, but it silhouetted a number of Auguste Rodin's black hands, as well as those of Camille Claudel.