I don't *think* badgers can cry...

Dec 08, 2008 10:03

SCENE: my office earlier -
Funmonkey: 'Morning'.
Co-worker: 'You look like a homeless person'.
Funmonkey: *looks at self* 'So I do'.

Like I cared, at least I was somewhat warm.

I walked my occasional dogsitting charge round the lake yesterday, which was frozen...

Check out the ice-skating ducks :D

This is the first winter for the dog, so the ice was a bit of phenomenon for him. He pawed at a frozen puddle for a while before slithering out on top of it - when he was right in the middle the ice broke and he was plunged into the puddle underneath; he whipped his head round to stare at me, as if asking with his big doggy eyes 'what the shit is this?' Hours of fun. Later he ate some poo.

work, photos

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