I cant be the only one who thinks this is stupid....

May 08, 2007 23:49

So on a recent rampage of one of those gay msnbc news sites i began reading through the articles with topics related to drugs and alcohol and i have tell you that its starting to get really dirty this war, between names, and products.. the people who make and sell, and the people who just wont quit fucking whining....

First, for example...

Booze Hounds

I think first of all that its amusing to assume that someone such as Anheuser-Busch could possibly be accused of something so damn silly. I hate to bring up the fact that at any given party or super bowl sunday, this company is one of the top contenders that sits on every table at every football game showing in every suburban house in america. If they want to be concerned about drinks that teens can get their hands on easily they need to start with the obvious shit like the crap ive been buying for 2 or 3 dollars a bottle. In any event that stuff is going to be much easier for kids to get their hands on as opposed to something the size of a nail polish bottle. I agree with AB in that their design is most likely aimed at young adult drinkers like myself who are looking for something they can order at the bar that tastes as good as a jaegerbomb but doesnt cost 6 dollars due to the fact that the ingredients are single serving. For example , making a jaegerbomb requires usually opening a new can of redbull every time and only using about a 1/4 to 1/2 at most for the actual drink. If AB comes out with something this small that can be purchased for at least half price each at large quantities, you better effing believe that ill order something mixed with this before a higher priced mixed drink (however dont get me wrong. I love my jaeger) It's stupid to just disregard the other uses of the new style of drink and automatically assume that just because its smaller and more colorful, its aimed at teens and underage drinkers. I also think its true that if they are so concerned with it they need to step up and help with the huge contribution that AB has made over the past 25 years to help educate against underage drinking by implimenting programs with the money theyve earned. It says, we are going to make what we like, but we are going to help try and make sure the people who drink it, are allowed to drink it. However, that responsibilty stops at the time that those products enter the stores they are going to be sold in. Theres no way that a company that large even, has the resources to ensure that every store that sells their product is going to check for id's if someone looks over the age of 30. This whole article is so pointless and stupid. If they want to knock someone for the advertising they need to start yelling at the local shops who refuse to care enough about anyone but themselves to check the id's of who is buying alcohol at their store. It just shows that the people behind the article dont think past their headlines and need to take into consideration that there are other ways to appeal to adults besides making things streamlined and conceptual, shiny gray and stainless steel design. Take Japan for instance. Japan has an entire genre of cutesy, child like, seeminly 'immature' advertisements and marketing strategies that are specifically aimed at adults. Fire stations, government buildings and warnings, night clubs, bars, clothing stores, magazines etc, are often seen sporting cute and loveable 'childlike' characters, however, no one would assume that they are specifically aimed towards the children and in fact, they arent. This article just goes to prove how much we love to cut off our noses to spite our face, just to make a catchy headline, just to cause an uproar. Please people...
we have more important shit to worry about...

Leave us boozers alone...

Second on my list of dumb shit tonight is this...


Basically, this is really dumb to me. I think its perfectly reasonable to use the name cocaine on an energy drink and heres why.
Why would someone assume that drinking a energy drink named 'Cocaine' would be anything like snorting a drug? The advertising mentioned in the article even suggests that the drink is aimed at making you feel as though you are energized and ready to go, however it doesnt say, HEY! THIS DRINK MAKES YOU FEEL JUST LIKE COCAINE DOES! . This doesnt scream go try cocaine and anyone smart enough to know the difference between caffiene and cocaine will surely see the idea behind humourously named drink.
I think its great how a energy drink company has the insightfulness to use a name like 'cocaine', since being so huge in the 80's most people without ever having tried cocaine can tell you what it's effects are. It seems to me this company is saying, that the energy you get from this drink has as many bragging rights in its genre (among other drinks such as, red bull, sobe etc.) as cocaine did for the popularity it recieved in its genre of respective drugs. This company is using the advertising as an idea that there is an energy drink that is going to be so popular over all the other drinks that its going to become as infamous. A lofty ambition but if they desire to try and prove themselves by using this type of naming medium, I say, more power to em to try and impress. The company is simply using a name as similie, comparing using like or as for those of use who didnt graduate or have forgotten that not everything should be taken literally, but instead perhaps figuratively speaking. The fact that they are using this name on an energy drink makes no difference. They could have called the drink Rose. Roses are often considered the most beautiful of flowers as its usually sent to loved ones on all respective holidays. Would it then not be assumed that the contents of the container were not to be compared with the other potentials, to be as popular as the Rose is in the world of flowers? The #1 in its area? Top Contender? What makes it a big deal is when people write articles like this and make the over zealous and to obvious connection. The FDA has no place in telling someone what they are allowed to call their product. It's articles like this that cause well thought out companies and bright ideas to go sailing into the ground because now, instead of being able to call their drink 'cocaine', what are you goign to call it? Thats the problem these guys face now. How many sales are they going to make, i mean, cocaine would obviously be a name to live up to, youd expect it to hit you like no other energy drink has, to live up to the same sort of popularity of that which its named after. ..so what do you do when your forced to rename your Super #1 energetic drink that can be related to such a huge kick in the pants as cocaine was as a drug, to something a little more generic, maybe "Super Blue", "Energy Drug", "Best energy drink ever", or something equally retarded and obnoxious. This just seems like a way for the FDA to knock out something they have an issue with because they cant stand to see something so 'taboo', and most likely has nothing to do with the actual reason the article was written.
Its shortsighted, hardly conceiveable, and rediculous at best to assume that the mass public is stupid enough to believe that trying an energy drink, would be at all similar to trying a drug. The connection is absolutley preposterous and there is no basis for it other than speculation. FDA, were sorry if you had some problems with addiction in the 80's but don't ruin it for the rest of us who would just like an energy drink to live up to its name and energize the hell out of our asses more than any other on the planet.

On a side note I will seriously pee my pants laughing if they decide to rebrand the product as Heroin... Ha.

I welcome all and any debates and comments regarding the topics.

alcohol, cocaine, dumb news, stupidity, booze, super fags

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