Still trying...

Apr 27, 2013 22:13

Prom dress fitting.

Yep. That's my kid. I just felt everything sag another few inches there.

We also put in tuition and housing deposits at the college. I have to call and start arranging for loans for our portion (which has put me into a beyond neurotic state, which has put her and Thom into a beyond neurotic state.)

I will be a horrible empty nester but I'm also starting to think about what life will be like with her out of the house. It'll be quieter, and less hectic. Our water bill will drop by at least half. Our electric bill too, probably. Food? Oh, yeah. I used to wonder if her being gone would hurt our marriage, but I honestly think we'll be even better--we'll have more time together and I have to admit I really enjoy Thom's company.

It's all a matter of degrees, I guess. And I'll have more time to make it to the gym, and maybe find my brain again and start writing again. I'd like that.
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