Woke up at 5 (FIVE FRICKIN A.M.) to go to work. But apparently my 7-11, was actually a 7-11am AND a 6-11pm both today. Ain't work grand? At least I have time to go grocery shopping in between shifts. My cats have started gnawing on my ankles if I stay in ne place too long. Guess they're hungery or something. Whatever.
Craziness of the world to reflect my mental landscape:
Breast tattoo, to disturb and horrify Tattoo OF breasts, let me just clarify that.
Fake blog about terminally ill fetus/infant all done to promote Xtianity and the authors Anti-Choice stance. What a bitch.
Scone henge - something cute and Pagany for the Solstice, which I was not online for.
However, the real
Stonehenge left littered by 35,000 visitors . Bad Pagans and well wishers! Bad!
And to end this on a note of irony:
KKK protest mistreatment and discrimination (of Christian prisoners)