Meme's for fun and profit
Pick two shows, ones you love, ones you've seen lots of. Then tell us from each show's characters 1. Who you "are" and 2. Who you would like to be. Be honest.
um, from Buffy, I'm either Buffy or Cordelia
Cordelia, because I am a tactless wonder, occassionally cruel, a brunette, suspiciously old (Charisma Carpenter was in her 30's when she filmed Buffy).
If I'm Buffy, it's because we both pick lousy men who break our hearts, we both had a Mom who died and left us with sibling(s) to raise, resulting in us dropping out of school despite promising grades(she scored really high in her SATs) and working crap jobs. I especially identifed with her in I Only Have Eyes For You, where she kept bitching about how evil Shooty Mc-Shooty pants was for offing his lover, but really she was mad at herself.
I'd be Anyanka if I could be whoever I wanted. Not so much for the Anya half of her personality, but for the Women scorned action.
Ooh, I'm being all deep today.
For my other show, I guess I liked Firefly best, although I'm not exactly like any character on it. I'm a mix of Zoe(offstandish and dryly sarcastic) and Kaylee (during my manic periods), and batshit like River.
If I could be like anyone I'd be a mix of Inara (her grace and beauty) and Zoe (for her kick assedness, and for the sarcasm I already possess in spades).
You Know You watch too much Gargoyles When... "you actually remember the guy with the pie gun from previous episodes"
And from
Overheard in New York I bring you this gem:
"(girl #1 is at the snack table, carefully wrapping cupcakes in napkins and putting them into her purse)
Girl #2 (looking at her): Graduate student?
Girl #1: Yeah.
Girl #2: Been there."
Am I the only SGAer who didn't HATE Tracker? Okay, admittedly not a 10/10 episode. But everyone seems to be trashing it. I liked Kellar in it. Ronon could have used something other that footprints to find you know who, like say, going shirtless, which I'm pretty sure enhances natural tracking ability. Also, with all due love to Rodney, not every episode needs to be Rodney centric, or Rodney favourable. Just saying. any excuse for some Ronan hotness/Ronan shipper 4 Life!
And that's sadly, all the news thats fit to print.