KD, you crazy fuck,
Dragon Ball Evolution air times right there!
Doctor Kutner who offed himself to go work at the White House?
Anyhoo, the thing that pissed me off about the way they got rid of the character? apparently Kal Penn was on set for that episode, even on screen-
that's right, those legs are his. The only reason to John Ritter a character like that is that they are dead in real life, or will not be returning to set under any circumstances. If you've got the guy/girl there then for the love of fuck, put them in the shot.
If you can show the actor as dead - that's good. If you can show them dying that's even better. But the best way, by far, to kill off a character, if you are able, is too show them in a normal, non death scene first, then show them dying, and then dead. There would have been so much more of an impact, and character development if Kutner had been sitting at the table with the others, or grabbing a coffee, or going home the night before. Then you show him sitting on the bed with the gun. It's not necessary to show the shot, or the death, but a little lead up would be nice.
'Oh, by the way, this guy was depressed and killed himself-see his legs' is a shitty way to treat your actors, your characters and your viewers.
In RL news-fuck you job fair. Eat me.
See y'all at school, smo-fo's. (smurf fuckers, a la posting title)