A gingerbread coffin for a German corpse

Nov 20, 2009 16:30

Pirate Rape!!! - but in a funny way

A meme, to bore and terrorize entertain my flist with.

1. post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/tv shows/video games/bands [fannish etc.] that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life.

2. have your f-list guess your favorite character/member from each item.

3. when someone guesses correctly, strike through the item and put the name of your favorite character next to it.

1. Buffy
2. Gargoyles (you'll never guess)
3. Stargate SG1
4. SeaQuest DSV
5. BSG (the new one)
6. Runaways - Gert
7. Disney's Beauty and the Beast (you'll never guess)
8. Twilight (making fun of it counts as a fandom, right?)
9. Historical diseases (Oh come on ,you have to get this one)
10. Star Trek TNG
11. Star Trek DS9
12. Star Trek Voyager
13. Dresden Files TV (Bob the skull, and.or Heather the Werewolf)
14. Dresden Files bookverse (any of the fae)
15. Firefly (River with Mal a close second)
16. Dinosaurs
17. X-Men the anmiated Series
18. X-Men, movieverse
19. Supernatural
20. Angel

xmen, joss whedon, flist, gargoyles, quiz, comics, tv, movies

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