Seriously, mini Rolos in a bag.
A random round up of stuff and craziness
iSnort Highlander humour for KD
Britney Spears is hacked-now a Satanist Remake of the Prisoner, wih Magneto - does anyone know what channel this airs on in Canada?
Regrow your boobs Marine beats up priest for being gay, or a terrorist-he touched me okay, I'm totally not gay! Plus he hates America! Sam Steele to finally get a movie and if you don't know who Sam Steele is (and you're a Canadian) I'm going to kick you in the balls.
Speaking of Balls that need kicking...
Buffy/Edward mash up, that truly dazzles (get it, dazzles...)
just watch it
Click to view
Everyone remember
Australia plagued by blood red dust? well now
Brazil is plunged into darkness It's the ten plagues people!!!!
Seriously, when the apocolypse comes, I'm so gonna be all 'I told you so'.