Mar 01, 2007 02:34
...I want to leave this place.
Something...awful rather...unsettling has happened. And I want nothing more than to disappear into thin air. I've never felt this way before.
I won't of course. Shameful, so...silly. I'm so ashamed of myself, and for -what-.
I can't stay here, something...Oh, I'm not making any sense now, am I?
I can't stay here, not where James can find me, and Peter; his fairy already hates me, and the boy...dear sweet boy...I don't understand, he's so...sad.
I need another place of my own, I can't intrude on him anymore. I'm so sorry, Miria, my petty little problems and whatnot, but I feel so...
Lost. I've never felt lost before...
Will you help me look...?
Holly, happy birthday. I daresay, that...mountain of sweets is rather peculiar, isn't it? I've made you something, and I'll bring it over straight away. I hope you like it.
Das hängt mir zum Hals heraus...den Bock zum Gärtner machen...Wir müssen uns nach der Decke strecken, Lehrgeld für etwas zahlen mü seinem Latein am Ende sein.
[ooc: Strikes UNhackable]