(no subject)

Jun 17, 2007 07:24

These trousers are considerably too tight. And here I was, getting used to my finer things again...I may just change back into my linen things, dirty as they are.

The Jolly Roger has vanished again. I believe James and I live in a cruel irony. Our past is riddled with it, and now this. I return, and he disappears again.

I hope he's gone back to Neverland...I hope he finds what he's looking for. Or, atleast, what he's lost.

Benkei has left, I...haven't a clue where Tiger Lily's gone to. Ron is still here, with his younger sister--that lovely red hair is purely genetic, as it is. The whole family must have it. This apartment seems quieter than I remember. Has Miria returned as well..? I missed her more than others...

I suppose anything would seem quiet after something like war. I woke up I don't know how many times last night--half expecting to be raided, or shot. I've missed everyone so dearly...

Who else is still around. Faye, you and I, and a few bottles of whatever we can find sounds nice. 
Kitty, please tell me you're about. Drink?
You two must tell me what's been going on, how much I've missed, if I've missed anything at all.

Vash, I think we should have lunch. Catch up. Something nerve-calming, hm?

Autor, tea today? You must tell me everything you've been up to, and I'll tell you about my country. And we can practice turkish if you like.

I wonder if there are any books on my country in the library on current or future events...and if I wish to truly look at them at all...

tea, turkey, 1990s, james, kitty, miria, affected, benkei, drinks?, autor, tiger lily, vash, gilly, faye, war, ron, jolly roger

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