A public service anouncement for everyone on my friends list:
My father, a schizophrenic and paranoid delusional maniac with a history of homicidal threats and weapons violations, now has a livejournal:
trailstoyou. Unless you want hilarious and elliptical commentary that makes no sense whatsoever, I recommend you ban him from commenting on your journal. Go
here to learn how, if you don't already know. I also suggest reporting him to the LJ Abuse team if he continues harassment.
If you are gay, straight, white, black, Asian, Indian, Native American, Latino, male, female, Catholic, Feemason, Protestant, Mormon, atheist, Buddhist, Hindu, live in any country on Earth, have a last name, or have any family members who fall into these categories, then he has a conspiracy about you, and thinks that right this very moment you are devoting all your energies to...I don't know, making him eat strawberry ice cream or something. he never was very specific about what all these people were doing to him.
He has made references to one of my friends on his journal already, so I gather he has delusions about all of you now. (Nothing to be proud of, he creates conspiracies about everyone as soon as he learns of their existence.) I'm dreadfully sorry I drag this baggage with me, but I can't control him; only strong antipsychotics will. Unfortunately, the state of Ohio has let him slip repeatedly through the cracks of their mental health program, even though he is a known danger to society, so despite numerous arrests, he has never been placed on any kind of treatment program. (The ironic part is he thinks Ohio is harassing him, when in fact the state barely registers his existence despite the danger he poses.)
Reasoning with him will not work, so unless you find baiting him amusing, I recommend deleting his comments and banning him. I tried reasoning with him for my entire teenage life, and look where it got me: a scar on the inside of my lip from where he split it open, and persistent depression and social anxiety disorder. My priority is keeping all of you safe.
I hope none of you have to suffer his bizarre rants in the future, and I hope he realizes soon that none of you have anything to do with him. Will he realize this? Not likely; it's not part of his disease to be able to grasp reality. But we can always dream, eh?
Edit: How could I forget? If you're Jewish, New Age, or pagan, too, he has conspiracies about you. Sorry if anyone felt left out!