Dec 22, 2004 11:08
I just got this sent to me from a friend. Good thing I dont' smoke. -_-
What Are You Smoking?
Tar (12 - 33 mg.)
- In tobacco smoke, tar is dry particulate matter containing hundreds of chemicals, many of which are classified as hazardous waste. And you thought it was only for potholes.
- Grandpa used a gas mask in WWI to protect himself from argolein, a chemical used in tear gas. It’s the same chemical you’ll find in a cigarette. Funny, you don’t get a gas mask when you buy a pack of smokes.
Methyl Ethyl Ketone
- You gotta wonder how the stuff that’s used in lacquer ended up in a cigarette. Did some cigarette manufacturer say, "Hey, that’s toxic. Let’s smoke it."?
Formaldehyde (.058 - .17 mg.)
- That’s right. The same stuff they use to keep dead bodies from rotting too quickly is in every drag of cigarette smoke. Yummy.
Benzene (.043 - .091 mg.)
- Used as a solvent in fuel and in chemical manufacturing - and to make cigarettes. And as an added bonus, it gives you cancer.
- A central nervous system depressant. It reduces intelligence, causes hearing and colour-vision loss, headaches, dizziness, memory loss and impaired reaction time.
- You're familiar with urine, right? Urea is in urine and in some places around the world it’s added to cigarettes to make them taste better. Ewww!
- This bad boy isn’t just an ant killer. It’s a deliciously poisonous ingredient found in your favourite brand of cigarettes.
Nicotine (1.2 - 2.8 mg.)
- A colorless, poisonous alkaloid, C10H14N2, used as an insecticide. Lucky for us humans it only causes cancer.
Carbon Monoxide (13 - 32 mg.)
- A colorless, odorless, highly poisonous gas, CO, formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon or a carbonaceous material, such as gasoline.
Hydrogen Cyanide (.10 - .29 mg.)
- A colorless, volatile, extremely poisonous flammable liquid, HCN, miscible in water and used in the manufacture of dyes, fumigants, and plastics. Oh yea, and cigarettes.
On that lovely note, it's christmas time. And guess what? I STILL HAVEN'T finisshed my christmas shopping. Haha, actually, today I'm going to finish it, then go see a movie with some friends, dunno what movie but meh. I'm going to spend soooo much money today that I may go down to 3 digits in my band account. -_-, oh well though, it's christmas.
Damn, there are alot of projects that I have to have finished before the end of the holidays...that's kinda bummer, stupid now semestered classes. Haha, even though I couldn't wait until I got them.
That's all for now, just wanted a little update.