agirlandherguns gifted me with two of her geckolings this past weekend. The parents are Abby and King. I figured children of Nightstalkers should have nice vampire names. ;) So meet Alice and Esme!!
(Not sure of the sex yet, but hopefully they'll decide to stay female. *laughs* If not, a renaming will commence.)
So tiny!
Alice - 3 grams
Esme - 4 grams
Together - Esme left, Alice right
Next to Miss Chubb (aka Baby June)
Size comparison
Alice predicts that she and June will be great friends
And since it's been forever, here's some shots of the rest of the crew...
"Not So Baby" June - 50 grams
Mei - 43 grams - A patternless red I purchased a few months back. She was pretty underweight but I loved her color and demeanor. She's finally plumped up, but rarely fires up fully for me. This is the first time I've been able to get decent photos.
Her resting color
Showing a little color
Now the boys...
Raptor - 73 grams (last summer he peaked at 80) He's nearly 10 inches in length
and Nimrod, now 39 grams. His head has healed up beautifully.