Oct 14, 2008 19:17
I thought it would be nice to give you 4 people that still read my LJ how I am doing.
Flag football is 3 weeks deep, the team is 3-0. That record is deceptive - while it's true that we would probably be undefeated even if full teams showed up, they don't, so we're undefeated through forfeits by teams who don't take the league seriously. Whatever. I took an elbow in the chest a couple of weeks ago. There is no visible damage, but it still hurts in certain situations, like getting in and out of bed for example. I've never experienced something quite like it, so I'm not sure what to suspect.
But with the fact that it now is mildly painful to move around while laying down, well, it makes 'the sexing' a lot less enjoyable to say the least. Truth be told, the girl and I haven't exactly moved on to humping per se, but it's definitely been discussed as a goes-without-saying idea that is supposed to have happened already. But my constant grimaces and repeated "aah fuck"s don't exactly set the proper mood, as you may be able to imagine. I sound and feel a bit like an old man being asked to perform a task meant for a young buck. While the pain hasn't been so severe that I was seriously thinking about tapping my medical insurance, the inconvenience on my sex-life is something that I'm becoming increasingly convinced is not something I should allow.
In other news, the economy rollercoasters and I feign to have a mild understanding as to why, but I'm probably just fooling myself and maybe others.
Go Hawks.