Into the new year...

Dec 28, 2006 06:54

Well, I thought I'd post on a less dramatic subject for a change, being neither terrified of losing my job, nor really even upset in any other form. I'm adjusting well to night shift, after the first night it hasn't been hard to stay awake, blah blah, etc. etc. Job is fine, no complaints. It's boring, but I can handle boring now that I've been through a few years of retail hell. Besides, better money and less chance of throwing my back out trying to do someone else's heavy work for them. No downside that I've seen so far. I know, every job has it. So far it'd have to be pretty far down to throw me off, though.
Christmas was good. Very good. My parents didn't come down after all, which was in a sense a relief, though I missed them terribly. Mom said she might bring my brother down for New Years so he can see some of his old friends. From the sound of it he's really gotten his life together. I'm impressed. Full time job again, was actually enthusiastic about it when he *gasp* asked to talk to me. Heh. You can't choose your family, but sometimes they can surprise you anyways.
I've been off the last two nights, go back to work tonight. Actually kinna looking forward to it. Becca's been off the last four days - they gave her a four day weekend since they abused her pretty badly throughout the week of Christmas. They've also given her a little hell about going to grooming school. Still, I've seen a lot of lieing store managers and the one who promised it to her doesn't strike me as one. Even if she does have to wait, I'll be making enough money for us to hit most of the bills without killing ourselves.
Life is good. I guess I'm done for now. ^_^

- A happy jack-ass
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