Friends Only

Jul 30, 2006 08:46

I'm always excited to make new friends, but there's probably some things you should all know about me:

♥ I love hockey. Too much. I talk about it a lot, and if you friend me, you'll just have to put up with it. :) My teams are listed above, but my absolute loves are the Detroit Red Wings and the Philadelphia Flyers. But I have respect for all teams. However, I am not at all a fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins or the Chicago Blackhawks, just as a little warning. :) I also watch a lot of college hockey and AHL hockey.
♥ My favorite singer is a Japanese singer named Gackt. He is pictured in the icon on this entry. :) He was a major major MAJOR part of my life, and he still is, but not as much. Still, I love him to death.
♥ My tags aren't up to date. So if you click on 'gackt', for example, you won't see all of my Gackt-related posts. Just the ones for the last two months or so. My tags are currently in the process of being updated.
♥ If you're afraid of friending me for some reason (Heh, I get afraid of friending people!), don't be! I love new friends!

Have a nice day! ♥
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