Woot Going to Cali! Were going to the Korean Music Fest again, another Vaca will do me good.
Plus we leave TOMORROW! XD 10 Pm red eye flight...ewwww
Won't go to Volks LA again as last time was a pain, I wish I could go again I was a kid in a cady shop.
So I prob won't spend a lot of money there, I at least hope to buy Anime. Also If I don't spend a lot NEW TATTOO for me.
Well as of late my computer is not doing so well ;__; it just didn't want to start up so after a while it finally came on. It didn't help my mom kept yelling it died it died.
As much as I don't want to throw myself into a bigger money hole I have to. So I just bought myself a new one tonight, mom wanted me to before I left and made sure all my doll pictures are saved. This one I have is about 6 years old, it out lasted all the others, can't wait I love new computers.
To Do List
Buy New Computer
Clean Room
Also Pack Helios some clothes as he's coming with me.
Picture of Crescent, This is one of my most fav's of her.